So now I tried two different libraries. Both show much faster download.
With the library called 'FTP4j' I now have following results integrated in my easy app and the 10 MB download file:
Samsungs Galaxy SII: ~ 3 Seconds
HTC Desire: ~ 6 Seconds
Huawai MediaTab: ~ 3 Seconds
This is interesting. The SGSII downloads now in 3 seconds where it was arround 17 seconds before. Don't know what can be the difference in implementation of the download between this and the edtFTPj library? It is ok, that the HTC Desire does not reach the maximum, because it has the slowest cpu.
So one can say, that I found a proper ftp library. But it is not easy to switch to a new ftp library, because
- the licensing is not so clear with the above one
- the overall behavior e.g. in case of errors or temporarily interrupts (=robustness) is not known
- the possible monitoring needs to checked
I would rather like to see if the developers of the edtFTPj can do some investigation which code parts could for example cause a delay etc. First theoretically, later if possible directly under android.
My experience is telling me, that if the root cause is found, it is a small item that needs to be changed to run as fast as other ftp libraries under android.
So I would like to stick at edtFTPj, let see ...