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in .NET FTP by (540 points)

What exactly is the differencec between these 2 classes?

I am just confused. Which is better to use between these 2 classes?



1 Answer

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by (51.6k points)
FTPClient used to be the main class of the namespace, but it's been replaced in that role by FTPConnection. In fact, FTPConnection wraps FTPClient, presenting a more user-friendly interface in the form of a .NET Component, as well as offering some new features. It also forms the foundation for ProFTPConnection which has just been released as a part of edtFTPnet/PRO 2.0.

We will be releasing some pretty dazzling new features that build on FTPConnection and ProFTPConnection in the next few months.

So, we recommend using FTPConnection because we think the API is nicer and because that is where we will be adding the most functionality in the future. Having said that, FTPClient will not be deprecated, so it's safe to use it if you prefer.

- Hans (EDT)

