Hi group,
Im reading a file of size 6502 bytes into a string and use:-
byte[] send_all = new System.Text.ASCIIEncoding().GetBytes(content);
to convert to to a (correctly sized, 6502) byte array.
I then send 300 bytes at a time in a loop and using Put(send_this, filename, append).
(send_this is 300 bytes at a time and first time around append is true so it creates the file then set to false for further iterations).
Now all this works well.
Except each time the Put method is called its putting a line feed into the remote file... any ideas whats going on? Am sure its a schoolboy error on my part but am confused as to whats causing this.
Ive manually confirmed that the send_this matches exactly the send_all array at all index positions so where is that line feed coming from?
Any pointers/help would be appreciated.