I experience a strange performance. Download speed is only 1.3 - 1.5 MB/s, while upload is close to 10 MB/s. (B = byte)
I am the only client connected to the server, the server is Pentium D with 1 GB RAM running Win XP Pro, connection is encrypted (TLS). I have had the same (1.5 MB/s) download speed with unecrypted connections too.
I tested two different client computers with two different clients (FileZilla and CoreFTP Lite) and the results are nearly the same.
I tested download from different FTP server and the client reached 4 MB/s so the limitation seems to be at the server, not at the client.
I tried to tune some proftpd directives, but the improvement was small.
Directives I used:
tcpNoDelay off
SocketOptions sndbuf 131072 rcvbuf 131072
TransferRate .... 10000:0
Is the download speed limited to 1.5 MB/s due to the cygwin environment ? Is someone here able to reach download speed over 2 Mbytes/s ?