I am trying to use the SSLFTPClient with loadClientKeyFile() and an InputStream parameter. The problem that I am having is my client cert resides in the database and I only have access to it as a Java KeyStore. I can get the certificate parts to correctly PEM encode but the PrivateKey does not encode correctly. Does anyone know how to get a correct PEM encoded PrivateKey from a KeyStore object?
I am doing something like the following, but the private key I get is invalid.
public static String getPEMFromPrivateKey( PrivateKey privateKey ) throws
CertificateEncodingException, IOException, Base64FormatException,
NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidKeySpecException {
String strPEM = null;
if (privateKey != null)
KeyFactory rsakf = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA");
PKCS8EncodedKeySpec privKeySpec = new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec(privateKey.getEncoded());
RSAPrivateKey rsaPrivKey= (RSAPrivateKey) rsakf.generatePrivate(privKeySpec);
byte[] baDER = rsaPrivKey.getEncoded();
ByteArrayOutputStream baosPEM = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
baosPEM.write("-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----".getBytes());
baosPEM.write("-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----".getBytes());
strPEM = baosPEM.toString();
return (strPEM);
Anyone have any ideas on this?