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in .NET FTP by (140 points)
Hello, here's a question. I am an asp.net novice although I can sometimes get by. I was thinking about using this great tool and create a webpage with a 'backup' button that would backup my site and then ftp it to another server.

I'm curious if anyone has done this, if not I'm going to give it a shot, but again, my shot probably isn't going to be all that great or quick, so any suggestions, help would be appreciated.


2 Answers

0 votes
Hello Brad,

I have created a backup solution for websites, but am running a Windows Service on a remote machine. This is because my web site hoster (a 3rd party) does not allow me to run timers etc. on the system for scheduling the backup process.

You could indeed create a web page with a Backup button, though this requires manual user input every time you wish to create a backup/snapshot.

You can find my solution on http://www.codeproject.com/dotnet/webscheduler.asp. Currently I'm working on some architecture changes to it for version 0.3 to make it more flexible. The current version works alright though.

Kind regards,

David van Leerdam
0 votes
David, very interesting, thanks for the link.
I will download that and look into it. I have already started building my process, you're correct, it does require manual user input, however, mine currently runs as an .aspx page, the user hits the button and it ftps from the server the site is hosted on to a remote online backup server(inetbackup I think, can't remember I just signed up).

This works well for me because my slow connection at home isn't a bottleneck and I don't have to worry about leaving a server up to run this service.

When mine is done I am going to post it, it's probably a little more rough than yours, but there may be some stuff in mine that will be useful. Thanks for the link!

