Hi all,
I'm quite new to java, and I'm in the process of an FTP assignment. I've downloaded the package, but I'm hitting errors about Class Def Not Found, and I can't even run the demo :(. I know that I probably haven't imported these libraries correctly. Also, I'm trying to run this java application from command line (using Cygwin Bash Shell). The following are additional information that may or may not be useful:
demo.bat file:
set JAVA_HOME=C:\opt\java\1_4_2
set CP=.;..\lib\edtftpj.jar
%JAVA_HOME%\bin\javac -classpath %CP% Demo.java
This is what I did:
run the demo.bat file (I noticed that a class file was created)
in cygwin: java Demo <server><user><pass>
Then I get the error
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/enterprisedt/net/ftp/FTPMessageListener
When I try to compile it using javac Demo.java, I get errors about not being able to find the package .com.enterprisedt ... , cant find classes, etc.
THANKS IN ADVANCE! (mind the stupidity :))