Hi there... I'm just trying to check out your FTP component, and I can't seem to get past the initial compile in VS.NET. I downloaded 1.1.8, unzipped it to a folder, opened "edtFTPnet.sln" and hit Build and I got the following error:
U:\My Files\Downloads\edtftpnet-1.1.8\src\net\ftp\FTPControlSocket.cs(342): 'System.Net.IPAddress.Address' is obsolete: 'IPAddress.Address is address family dependant, use Equals method for comparison.'
It occurs in the "SetDataPort" procedure in the following line:
byte[] hostBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(ep.Address.Address);
Any ideas on how to remedy that?
P.S. The file "VMSFileParser.cs" is not loaded into the "edtFTPnet" Project in your download. I initially got more compile errors, but I found "VMSFileParser.cs" in the "net" folder and manually added it to the Project and then those compile errors went away. Just FYI.