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0 votes
in .NET FTP by

I have an asp.net web application. I just deployed it on the web server.
It has a form that lets the client upload his files to our ftp site. When
I use the web server and go to the website on the web server itself, the file that I select uploads fine, but on other machines, it doesn't upload the file. Could you please you help me figure this out?

Thanks very much,

5 Answers

0 votes
by (240 points)
Sorry, I meant put function. I mistakenly wrote Get function.
0 votes
by (162k points)
You have 3 machines involved, it seems.

Client => Webserver => FTP server

edtftpnet can only do Webserver => FTP server if it is deployed on the Webserver.

You need to use an HTML form to do a file upload from the client to the webserver.
0 votes
by (240 points)
Thanks for the reply.

Well, maybe I wasn't that clear in my previous posting.

I have a web application that lets people who visit the website to upload their files to the ftp site. So you mean I cannot use edtftpnet for this purpose.

Could you clarify how I can use a html form to do a file upload from
client to the web server. DO you mean that I need to have a script that
uses edtftpnet library in html code? Is there any example anywhere that I can refer to?

I really appreciate your help.
0 votes
by (162k points)

Thanks for the reply.

Well, maybe I wasn't that clear in my previous posting.

I have a web application that lets people who visit the website to upload their files to the ftp site. So you mean I cannot use edtftpnet for this purpose.

Could you clarify how I can use a html form to do a file upload from
client to the web server. DO you mean that I need to have a script that
uses edtftpnet library in html code? Is there any example anywhere that I can refer to?

I really appreciate your help.
0 votes
by (240 points)
Thanks for the help.

