I'm using edt ftp net and I'm attempting to sync a trivial .zip file (which contains a single .txt file with contents "123") from the FTP Server (latest filezilla server at the time of this writing) to a local directory. Code:
ftpConnection.ServerAddress = ... ;
ftpConnection.ServerPort = ... ;
ftpConnection.UserName = ... ;
ftpConnection.Password = ... ;
ftpConnection.Timeout = 60000;
ftpConnection.DataEncoding = new System.Text.UTF8Encoding(false);
ftpConnection.CommandEncoding = new System.Text.UTF8Encoding(false);
ftpConnection.ConnectMode = FTPConnectMode.ACTIVE;
ftpConnection.TransferType = FTPTransferType.BINARY; // doesn't really have any effect
ftpConnection.AutoLogin = false; //0
FTPSyncRules syncRules = new FTPSyncRules();
syncRules.Direction = TransferDirection.DOWNLOAD;
syncRules.IncludeSubdirectories = true;
syncRules.StopOnError = true;
ftpConnection.Synchronize(@"C:\Path\to\Local\Folder", "/Path/To/Remote/Folder", syncRules);
The above results in a corrupted .zip file which appears to be binary identical to the .zip file we would receive if we attempted to download the file directly by means of .DownloadFile() with TransferMode set to .ASCII.
Can anyone reproduce this issue too? Any insights? I've always thought that edtftp would decide about which transfer mode to use while syncing, on a per-file basis. Thanks in advance.
P.S.: I couldn't generate a log-file using edtftp on the testbed machine (this is a separate issue) but I believe that this should be of little consequence.