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by (51.7k points)
IntegralFTP will cause security warnings with Java 7 update 20 to update 45. For Java 7 update 51 or later, the distributed generic version of the IntegralFTP jar file will only work if the site on which it's hosted is added to the "Exception Site List" (see workaround below). The only way to avoid these problems is to use a customized version of the IntegralFTP jar file. EnterpriseDT will, for a fee, build such customized jar files for users on request (contact support@enterprisedt.com). Users who have purchased the source-code and who have a code-signing certificate can build their own jar files.

We apologize for this, but there is nothing we can reasonably do about it since it's the result of a deliberate design-decision made by Oracle for the purpose of improving the security of Java applets.

This workaround must be applied to every computer on which IntegralFTP is to be used.
  1. Upgrade to the latest version of Java (i.e. update 51 or later)
  2. Open the Java Control Panel (see here):
    [ img ]
  3. Select the Security tab:
    [ img ]
  4. Click Edit Site List:
    [ img ]
  5. Click Add and enter 'http://' or 'https://' followed by the domain-name of the web-site on which IntegralFTP is being used:
    [ img ]
  6. You should now be able to run IntegralFTP without severe security warnings.

- Hans (EnterpriseDT)

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