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in .NET FTP by (160 points)
I am using edtPro version to connect to an ftp server that provides an connection method using Https protocol. It also requires an SSL Client certificate

The one example I found on the website:
http://www.enterprisedt.com/products/ed ... ghttp.html

My code (in Python):

ftpConnection = SecureFTPConnection()

ftpConnection.ServerAddress = "https://****"
ftpConnection.ServerPort = 443
ftpConnection.Protocol = FileTransferProtocol.HTTP
ftpConnection.ServerValidation = 0
ftpConnection.ClientCertificate = SSLFTPCertificate.CreateFromPFX("****","****")


But I get a "Bad request (400)". If I remove the "https://" from the serverAddress, I get a "underlying connection closed unexpectedly". Any idea why? Thanks.

2 Answers

0 votes
by (162k points)
The ClientCertificate property isn't used for HTTPS, so that might be the problem.

Please email us the Debug log file (support at enterprisedt dot com) and your purchase reference in any case. I don't think anyone has ever asked to use client certificates with HTTPS - it might be quite easy to add it.
0 votes
by (160 points)
Thanks for your reply, I have sent a detailed email to support@enterprisedt.com with purchase reference.

