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in Java FTP by (140 points)
We have an old version of edtFtp-pro - not sure the version unmber but from mid-2008 and have used it to provide SFTP logic to our application with no issues. We've always used it with a username and privatekey - we're implementing our software at a new client and they want to do SFTP without the key and just username and password - I tried configuring it and can not get it to work
m_oFtpClient = new SSHFTPClient();
// set remote host

m_oFtpClient.setAuthentication(m_sUserName, m_sPassword);

But I get a connection refused error all the time - the address and username and password are correct - verified using filezilla - but can't seem to get the code to connect - this code works fine if we use a key and pass the key into the setAuthentication - so I'm wondering if possibly this old version of edtFTPj-pro has a bug in it or if I'm doing something wrong - Any ideas

1 Answer

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by (162k points)
It is best to email us with a (zipped) log at the DEBUG level. Please inspect the log before emailing - it may be obvious what the problem is. Our email address is support at enterprisedt dot com.

