I'm trying to list all files and directories plus the hidden files.
I'm using the method directoryList() in the class FileTransferClient and I'm only able to see the directories and files of the current directory.
How can I see the hidden files? How can I include them in the list when I call the method directoryList?
I can see all the files including hidden files when I'm using Filezilla so the server can send them as part of the list.
I have also gave a look to the dirDetails("-a dirname") but this method is from the class FTPClient, not in FileTransferClient, and FTPClient would be deprecated.
How can I list all my files including hidden files with the class FileTransferClient?
Thanks in advance
By the way, I've seen the property showhiddenfiles for the .NET library (
http://www.enterprisedt.com/products/edtftpnetcompact/doc/api/EnterpriseDT.Net.Ftp.FTPConnection.ShowHiddenFiles.html). Is there something similar for the java library?