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in Java FTP by (120 points)

I am developing a feed connection with SSH client the FTPPro packages. Key pairs are generated using SSH2-RSA with Putty key generator. Public keys have been shared with server end.
Now normally one would say "its not the same file". on which I would wholeheartedly agree, save for following details.
- Connection with the same private key, pass phrase and username works brilliantly from standalone clients such as WinSCP
- I even took the attached public key file from my mailbox to accertain it is the one actually sent to server end.

I will naturally approach the data vendor with the same information, so this mess can be checked on their end as well. That being said, the connection works with WinSCP, so probably there is
something amiss on my part. I tried this by using knownHosts file as well as adding knownhosts separately, there is no noticeable difference.

I develop this through Eclipse Indigo on a 64bit Windows 7 machine. So far code has only been run through the IDE.

I will send related log file to support address for further study.

Any insight much appreciated,

Esa K

1 Answer

0 votes
by (162k points)
Server validation has been failing, so the server public key you are loading is not the same as the public key the server sends you on connection.

