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0 votes
in .NET FTP by (220 points)
Hi, using SecureFTPConnection after a number of hours, a "Protocol Registration Timeout" exception was thrown. I had set the properties of the SFTP connection on the program load event, thinking it I could run the app into infinity after that. I have to use the app to sweep the SFTP directories every 5 minutes looking for changes.

Is this timeout on our end and can be reset? or is this a security issue set by the site's admin?

Should I just create and set a new instance of the SecureFTPConnection every 5 minutes?

thanks. T

4 Answers

0 votes
by (162k points)
It's generally better to connect, do your stuff and then disconnect, rather try to maintain a perpetual connection. Many servers will continually try to disconnect you.
0 votes
by (220 points)
Thanks for the speedy reply. A few follow ups, I can .Close and set abruptClose to false, I assume this will close the connection once all transfers are complete?

Is there any benefit to .dispose and create a new instance with each .connect?


EDIT: I have been closing the connection with .Close(). the connection is only opened for 20 seconds or so each time. Is there a reason why I should have received that execption?
0 votes
by (162k points)
If you are already doing that (calling Close()) and getting that exception, please email us the stack trace and the zipped log file and we'll take a look.
0 votes
by (220 points)
OK, will try to replicate it again tonight.

