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0 votes
in Java FTP by (160 points)

I have to go through a proxy server to access the internet. The proxy server requires user and password, also the ftp target does. Here is an example:
U:\>ftp ftp-proxy3.fe.internet.merck.com 
Verbindung mit ns1.fe.internet.merck.com wurde hergestellt. 
220-InterScan Version 3.7-Build_SOL_1070 $Date: 04/25/2002 11:54:0013$
(ns1.fe.internet.merck.com, get: N, put: N): Ready
220-Secure Gateway FTP server 
220- Welcome to the FTP-GATEWAY of the Merck Firewall Systems
220- -------------------------------------------------------- 
220- For any information about this service, see 
220- http://www.internet.merck.com/internet-access/ 
220- Files that you download from the Internet might contain viruses.
220- Before you use any software you are required to perform a virus scan
220- Enter the information in the following format:
220- Name: remote_user@remote_host firewall_user 
220- Password: remote_password 
220- Account: firewall_password 
220- Firewall Team
220- @work
220 Ready
Benutzer (ns1.fe.internet.merck.com:(none)): [b]anonymous@ftp.sun.com  abc2fe[/b]
331 Password required for destination user 'anonymous'.
Kennwort: [b]karl.napf@de.merck.com[/b]
332 Enter Password (use the 'account ' or 'quote acct ' command to respond)
Kennwort: [b]$6se5AbzQ356G[/b]
230-Connected to ftp.sun.com.
230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply


I don't know how to hand over the proxy password and ftp password.

Here is the relevant snippet of my code:
ftpClient   = new FTPClient(ftpProxyHost);
ftpClient.login(ftpUser + "@" + ftpHost + " " + ftpProxyUser, ftpProxyPass);

Any ideas?

5 Answers

0 votes
by (162k points)
You need the proxy to be configured not to require a proxy username/password for FTP.

There is currently no way to supply the proxy username/password.

Does your proxy support SOCKS? A SOCKS username & password can be supplied, see the API documentation.


I have to go through a proxy server to access the internet. The proxy server requires user and password, also the ftp target does.
0 votes
by (160 points)
It's not possible to use SOCKS or to turn of the password, because of the companies policy.

Is it possible to extend the client to send the password? What's the price for such an extension if your company would implement it?
0 votes
by (162k points)
Send us an email detailing your exact requirements (including timescale) to sales at enterprisedt dot com and we'll look into what changes are required and give you a quote.

It's not possible to use SOCKS or to turn of the password, because of the companies policy.

Is it possible to extend the client to send the password? What's the price for such an extension if your company would implement it?
0 votes

i'm also looking for a java-lib for ftp without SOCKS.
Is there already support for non-SOCKS usage within edtFTPj??
0 votes
by (51.6k points)

i'm also looking for a java-lib for ftp without SOCKS.
Is there already support for non-SOCKS usage within edtFTPj??

Could you please try to explain in a little more detail what you mean by "ftp without SOCKS".

- Hans (EDT Support)

