As you said passive ports must be specified at the server not the client, you are right.
I can set passive port range in the server. These ports are in the server and through these
ports ftp server will communicate. But this is the settings at the server side. Where server is
behind any firewall.
But my question is, my ftp client application(using enterpriDt) is also behind a firewall.
And my requirement is the client side firewall will open up some ports and through these
ports the client application will communicate with the server. That means my client application
will have some permission to use specific range of opend ports at the client side.
To sum up there are some ports opend at server side, suppose(4000-4010).
------- This is server side setting and no problem with that.
But there are also some ports opend at client side, suppose(5000-5010).
----- and my client application will have to use (5000-5010) ports at the client side to communicate
with the server.
So how do I achive this in my client application to communicate with the server using some
client side opend ports(5000-5010)??????