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0 votes
in .NET FTP by (200 points)
How do I tell a SecureFTPComponent not to try to send a username & password, and instead authenticate only using a certificate with public/private keypair? I've set the ClientCertificate property. I can connect, but I don't get logged in. If I set "AutoLogin" I get a 500 error regarding the "USER" command. This also happens if I try to directly call the Login() method.

I'm not sure yet if I'm dealing with an Explicit or Implicit Secure FTP server, though I suspect it is Explicit.

I am currently evaluating the product, and this is one of the things I'll need to have work.

5 Answers

0 votes
by (162k points)
Are you sure you don't need a username & password? Usually you need to supply at least a username along with the certificate. Have you successfully authenticated with any other clients such as Filezilla?
0 votes
by (200 points)
No, I'm not certain I don't need a username, but I am certain I don't need a password, as I don't have one. I am connecting successfully using a program called "tumbleweed". It may be sending a username. However, I did try using your library with a username and was unable to log in.

Unfortunately I can't test too much - too many login failures will cause a lockout.

Can you tell me how this would be done, assuming I do need a username (but no password) and a pki certificate?
0 votes
by (162k points)
The best thing to do at this point is to post any log file you can get from Tumbleweed, and a log file at the All level of logging from edtFTPnet/PRO. It should be pretty obvious to us what the problem is then. Sorry - I should have asked for this earlier.
0 votes
by (200 points)
There's too much proprietary information in the logs to post here. It does look like the user name gets sent.

Is this such a very unusual situation that you can't tell me generally how to proceed?
0 votes
by (162k points)
Give this a go:

Set the UserName property, and the Password property to null, and the Protocol to FileTransferProtocol.FTPSExplicit.

Then call Connect()

