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0 votes
in CompleteFTP by (260 points)
Hackersafe runs some penetration tests against our servers and in this process, sends a number of login attempts against our FTP server. Before CompleteFTP we had no problem with our server going down, but ever since we installed CompleteFTP it goes down whenever these tests are run. And it is ONLY CompleteFTP that crashes. Otherwise the system is running fine. Is there a know issue with this kind of thing or is there a way to stop it on the server side? BTW there are no messages on the logs about failed login attempts. I only know this by reviewing the failed login attempts in the eventlogs and when CompleteFTP goes down.

2 Answers

0 votes
by (51.6k points)
Would you be able to set the logging level to DEBUG and then e-mail the logs to 'support' next time this happens? CompleteFTP's logging is very detailed and should enable us to pin-point the problem.

- Hans (EnterpriseDT)
0 votes
by (51.6k points)
My colleague just pointed out that the errors you were getting may well have been solved by a fix that was included in CompleteFTP 2.2.1, which was released yesterday. Here are the release notes, including download instructions: http://www.enterprisedt.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=8904#8904.

By the way, you can get update notifications by mail, RSS, Twitter and more - here.

- Hans (EnterpriseDT)

