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in .NET FTP by (300 points)
Error message : "The certificate could not be verified: o - A certification chain processed correctly but terminated in a root certificate not trusted by the trust provider."

I have configured a filezilla ftp server at our server with FTPES connection support.
I have also used the certificate generated by filezilla server software.
I can connect through filezilla client application with FTPSExplicit connection.
While connecting through filezilla it prompts me to accept the certificate that I used in filezilla
ftp server and connection established properly.

But when I use "secureFTPConnection1.ServerValidation = SecureFTPServerValidationType.None;", I
can make connection to my server with ease.

When I use "secureFTPConnection1.ServerValidation = SecureFTPServerValidationType.AutomaticNoNameCheck;" or
"secureFTPConnection1.ServerValidation = SecureFTPServerValidationType.Automatic;", I am not able to connect
to my server and get the exception given above.

What to do? Because I don't want to use "secureFTPConnection1.ServerValidation = SecureFTPServerValidationType.None;".

1 Answer

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by (162k points)

