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0 votes
in .NET FTP by (400 points)

I am working on a windows service that should upload files to FTP Server over SSH.

Environment: VS 2008, C#

I have worked with uploading files using edtftpnet 1.3.0 before but have not yet used the SSH

I found out through the edtFTPnet help that I need add the following for SSH:

ftpConnection1.Protocol = FileTransferProtocol.SFTP;

But I still don't know how to generate key, I tried to search the edtFTPnet for "key" but unfortunately, have found no results.
I need to generate public key and private key

Could you please help me on the matter.


4 Answers

0 votes
by (51.6k points)
Firstly, edtFTPnet/Free does not support SFTP. SFTP and FTPS are supported by edtFTPnet/PRO, which is a commercial product (starting at $399). There's a free 30-day trial available from here.

Secondly, edtFTPnet/PRO won't generate keys for you, but PuttyGen will. You can download it from here.

- Hans (EnterpriseDT)
0 votes
by (400 points)
Thank you so much for the info.

one more little question, if edtnet free does not support SFTP then why there exists a "Protocol" property that you can set to "SFTP"?

Thanks again.
0 votes
by (162k points)
Think of it as advertising for the other versions :)

Although we should make a change so that it can't actually be set to anything other than FTP.
0 votes
by (400 points)
:) my curiosity is now satisfied

thank you :)

