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in Java FTP by
Suppose I have two files to upload ,usually I have to create an FileTransferClient Object named ftp
then call ftp.upload(file1) and ftp.upload(file2). How about creating two FileTransferClient Objects,each Object upload one file,just like ftp1.upload(file1),ftp2.upload(files2) at the same time ?Will it work?

3 Answers

0 votes
by (162k points)
Yes. In fact our edtFTPj/PRO product has a connection pool of FTP clients to achieve a similar sort of thing.
0 votes
Well, how about edtFTPj/Free?I mean the client can download or upload several files at the same time, if the server allows.
0 votes
by (51.6k points)
Yes. The first part of Bruce's answer was intended to answer that question. You can do that in j/Free with two instances. What he was saying was that in edtFTPj/PRO you can do that with one instance.

- Hans (EnterpriseDT)

