Using version 2 of the free library..
Now I'm getting a bug with SetModTime. In some cases, every file I try this on will only have the Date set, not the time. This has come and gone. Any computer that it works for during one session, may or may not work for the next. It seams to be a per session issue, as it ALL works, or ALL fails. A Simple recompile doesn't fix this.
This occures from behind a firewall ( ISA 2000 or 2006 [ not sure of our work version ] ), or behind no firewall, or just behind a Linksys or Netgear internet box. I really can't pin down what is making this happen, as it seams to make no sense as to when it will appear. Sometimes recompiling will make it go away..
There also seams to be an issue with getting the remote file time as well. It seams to never return the seconds. I've noticed that the format in the FTPFile class is Data hh/mm. No seconds. Where do I make it also have seconds? It also appears to be rounded. 14:35:39 comes back as 14:30. FTPFile.Raw is: "-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp ftp 961 Mar 12 14:30 BackupFileList.xml". I'm guessing that may be a FTP Server setting?
Thanks for any help