I need to execute LIST command 'cause my FTP server gives out, through LIST executed on FTP clients, the following lines:
[R] 125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting.
[R] 226-Directory has 10,387,456 bytes of disk space available.
[R] 226 Transfer complete.
[R] List Complete: 143 bytes in 0.27 seconds (0.5 KB/s)
So I can use LIST to get free space on remote disk.
But trying to execute
Dim lstcmd As FTPReply = ExFTPConnection1.InvokeFTPCommand("LIST", codestr)
where codestr is a string array containing all codes betwen 0 an 999, I just get this reply, often through an exception:
lstcmd.ReplyCode -> "150"
lstcmd.ReplyData -> Nothing
lstcmd.ReplyText -> "Opening BINARY mode data connection."
I tryed to switch Trasfer mode in ASCII but anything is changed.
It's a must to execute LIST command through InvokeFTPCommand to get free space.
Can someone help me?