I am trying to down load a file from a WSFTP server.
If the file is 2 megs it works fine
if the file is like 90 meg , etc it will throw an error as shown below.
My box has enough memory ....
Thanks in advance for all the help
at PRG.USGS.MED.EDI.FTSService.FTSProcessor.ProcessDownloads()
at PRG.USGS.MED.EDI.FTSService.FTSProcessor.StartProcessingRow(DataRow rowitem)
fw: MAC Error
at EnterpriseDT.Net.Ftp.Ssh.SSHFTPClient.a(Stream A_0, String A_1, String A_2)
at EnterpriseDT.Net.Ftp.Ssh.SSHFTPClient.Get(String local, String remote)
at EnterpriseDT.Net.Ftp.FTPConnection.DownloadFile(String localPath, String remoteFile)
at PRG.USGS.MED.EDI.FTSService.FTPSClient.GetFile(String RemoteFileName, String LocFilename, FTPTransferType objTransferType, Int32 nstrTransferBufferSize)
at PRG.USGS.MED.EDI.FTSService.FTSProcessor.DownloadFile(String remoteFileName, String localPath)