The problem is the connect to the proxy. I use this code:
FTPClient ftp = new FTPClient("", 8080);
2 Minutes later (timeout ?) I get the following IOException:
- Unexpected null reply received
Additionally I tried to define some VM-Parameters with the same result (helpful with URL classes):
-DproxyHost= -DproxyPort=8080
-DftpProxyHost= -DftpProxyPort=8080
What it is saying is use the firewall machine as the host to connect to, and use as the user, and remotepassword as the password.
One of the FTPClient constructors allows you to supply a port number along with the host (which should be the firewall).
I have the same problem. I must use a http-proxy which can be conntected only via the port 8080 (no password and user required). Reading the documentation of edtFTPj, I found your hint using the constructor with parameters FTPClient(firewallmachine,, remotepassword) - but:
- in the JavaDoc no such cunstructor is specified!
- how should the port of the proxy be defined?
By the way, my tests using java classes and to access the ftp-server via the http-proxy has been successful.
Using the following for (host,user,password) supplied to edtFTPj's FTPClient?
(firewallmachine,, remotepassword).
i.e. the remote machine is the firewall, the user is the login for the remote machine followed by '@' and then the remote host, and the password is the remote host's password for the user.
no effect :(