We've got the synchronization functionality ready for testing. Please e-mail
support@enterprisedt.com so that we can give you download instructions.
Instead of creating a new component called
FTPSynchronizer we decided to add
Synchronize methods to
ExFTPConnection now has a property called
DefaultSyncRules of type
FTPSyncRules, which is used by the
Synchronize methods that don't take an argument of this type.
These are the new methods in
ExFTPConnection (and
void Synchronize()
void Synchronize(string localDirectory, string serverDirectory)
void Synchronize(FTPSyncRules syncRules)
void Synchronize(FTPSyncRules syncRules, string localDirectory, string serverDirectory)
IAsyncResult BeginSynchronize(AsyncCallback callback, object state)
IAsyncResult BeginSynchronize(string localDirectory, string serverDirectory, AsyncCallback callback, object state)
IAsyncResult BeginSynchronize(FTPSyncRules syncRules, AsyncCallback callback, object state)
IAsyncResult BeginSynchronize(FTPSyncRules syncRules, string localDirectory, string serverDirectory, AsyncCallback callback, object state)
void EndSynchronize(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
FTPSyncRules has the following methods:
TransferDirection Direction
bool ExcludeFilesInFilter
FTPFilterType FilterType
string FileNameFilter
bool IgnoreDate
bool TransferNewOnly
bool TransferMatchingOnly
bool DeleteIfSourceAbsent
bool SyncLocalDateAfterDownload
bool IncludeSubdirectories
Most of these are also available in
FTPSynchronizeView so you can find explanations of them there.
There is also a new event called
SynchronizingFile, which can be used to implement your own logic if that provided by
FTPSyncRules is not sufficient.
- Hans (EnterpriseDT)