We need clarification on the problem we were having - does EdtFtpj store IP addresses from prev connections ?
Any array entries stored or default caching or an object still live for the DNS name perhaps ?
At what point does the ftp call find out the IP from the system ? - we dont reference the Domain Name Server directly
- not clear what the path is - please describe if you can - who calls what ?
It seems that since my system was 'in process' and there could have been EdtFTPj class object/s live when our Tech guys decided to change the IP address of our remote location.
The next ping command in my system returned the correct new IP address according to our log, yet my running system using EdtFTPj had an issue when going after the same DNS name again after the change -
they tried FTP from the command line in the server - it worked with no issues - ie found the correct IP
- can you confirm that either EdtFTPj itself keeps IP address or a base Socket class is doing that automatically ?
Of course as I said before, once we rebooted the server, of course we had no issues.
thanks for all help -