I have Completeftp all setup and running fine with users uploading csv files to the server (and for years)
I now need to create a process trigger that, on upload, takes a copy of the incoming file and places the copy within a Azure Share Folder which is configured as a folder within CompleteFTP..
Have tried every variation, with quotes, without etc, with %filename% and without, using just a folder name, full azure path etc but keep getting errors: stderr: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
move "%WindowsPath%" "\ABIETLAzureFTP\%FileName%" or
move "%WindowsPath%" "abietlftp:/abietlftp/%FileName%"
I just want to copy a file to this folder (rather than have to ftp upeach time) but how do I reference the completeftp azure folder within the batch process trigger?