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in CompleteFTP by (160 points)
Hi, We have recently procured EnterpriseDT solution to assist in moving multiple files from one server to another. We have only managed to copy one file accross using the "get" command. However when we use "mget" the script doesnt work. It just opens the connection and skips the line where there is the mget command and the goes to close the connection.

Is there another command that needs to be used on EnterpriseDT?
by (162k points)
Please post the script you are using.
by (160 points)
set remotehost=10.333.22.11
set user=UserName
set password=Password
set protocol=sftp


put C:\ProgramData\Enterprise Distributed Technologies\Complete FTP\Users\Unnam\images2\image1.jpg image1.jpg


The above script works, however when we change the script to download multiple files to fails. Here is the script below;
set remotehost=10.333.22.11
set user=UserName
set password=Password
set protocol=sftp


mput C:\ProgramData\Enterprise Distributed Technologies\Complete FTP\Users\Unnam\images2\*.* home/img

by (51.7k points)
Arguments that contain spaces need to be quoted, as follows:

mput "C:\ProgramData\Enterprise Distributed Technologies\Complete FTP\Users\Unnam\images2\*.*" home/img
by (160 points)
Thanks for the quick reply. We have added the quotes as adviced but files are still not moving

set remotehost=10.333.22.11
set user=UserName
set password=Password
set protocol=sftp


mput "C:\ProgramData\Enterprise Distributed Technologies\Complete FTP\Users\Unnam\images2\*.*" home/img

by (160 points)
What is the right command to copy multiple files, (get) is working and moving a specified file but we want to move multiple files, we have tried to use (mget) but the programme just skips that line because when the trigger runs, it is able to open the connection and then skips right to close connection. When we just use (get) it then executes the command and copies a single file

We really need assistance
by (162k points)
Here's the script command reference. There's no second argument.


The syntax is "mput wildcard" and the files are placed in the current remote directory.
by (51.7k points)
Just to expand on what my colleague said, you need to cd into the destination directory before calling mput.
by (160 points)
Thank you very much guys. It is working. We are able to copy files across.

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