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in Java FTP by (290 points)

I'm using the SecureFileTransferClient class because I need to write a Java client that supports both SFTP & FTPS (implicit & explicit), & this seemed like exactly what I need.  I'm using the latest pro version 5.2.5.  Here are my questions:

  1. I would like to use the new function of specifying a minimum TLS version when using FTPS.  I can see the new method takes an int, but there is no online doc that explains what that int should be if I only want to accept TLSv1.1 or higher.  Can you tell me what that int should be?
  2. Your online doc for using implicit FTPS says to do this:


    But how do I translate that series of commands when using the SecureFileTransferClient, which has no auth() method?  Heres what my code looks like so far:

    SecureFileTransferClient client=new SecureFileTransferClient();

    So with server validation disabled, I need to execute the following command (after I connect to the server) in order for a file upload to work:
    client.executeCommand("PROT P");

    Is this really the correct way to get the SecureFileTransferClient class to encrypt the data channel?

    If server validation is enabled, then even that executeCommand() from above doesnt work when I try to upload a file (the server tells me a 'PROT P' is required, even though I executed that command prior to running client.uploadFile()).
    What am I missing here as I try to get implicit FTPS working using the SecureFileTransferClient class?

  3. I'm having problems getting key-based auth to work when using SFTP.  The following sftp command uses a private key file to connect to a host without needing a password:
    sftp -i /users/wasadm/.ssh/id_wasadm_rsa foo@acme.com

    When I try to emulate that same command in Java, I get this error message:
    ERROR [TransportProtocolOutputStream] 3 Jul 2018 00:13:32.607 : sendMessage() failed: Socket closed (state=5)
    ERROR [ConnectTask] 3 Jul 2018 00:13:32.607 : 1:Connect[acme.com:22] failed : The host signature is invalid or the host key was not accepted!
    com.enterprisedt.net.ftp.ssh.SSHFTPKeyException: The host signature is invalid or the host key was not accepted!
    Here is my Java code:
    client.getAdvancedSSHSettings().setPortsInKnownHosts(true); //some hosts do not use the default port of 22

    Any idea why the same files used by the built-in sftp command do not work with your Java client?

1 Answer

0 votes
by (162k points)

1. See SSLFTPClient.SSLVersion.TLS_V1_1 (we'll amend the documentation as it is a bit hard to find).

2. You don't need to do anything other than this to set up implicit mode TLS. 

 SecureFileTransferClient client=new SecureFileTransferClient();

The other commands are set internally.

3. I'm not sure. We'll need a debug log to find out, which is going a bit beyond what this forum is for. Please open a support ticket here.

by (290 points)
I have a question about this method: client.createDirectory()

If the path string I pass in contains multiple path components, like "incoming/tickets/ID123456/logs", and none of those path components exist on the server, will this method create all those paths for me, or do I need to loop through all the path components and call createDirectory() on each one?
by (162k points)
Can you please create this as a separate question? It should really be one issue per discussion thread.
by (290 points)
It seems that I may have spoken too soon when I said that executing a 'PBSZ 0' followed by a 'PROT P' fixed that implicit FTPS issue.  It fails about half the time, & I don't know what else to look at (other than server logs, which I've put in a request for).  In the following log output, you can clearly see that both those commands are successfully executed on the server, & yet I still get the 'PROT P required' error from the server.

220-FileZilla Server 0.9.60 beta
220 Welcome to Acme FTPS
---> USER Acme
331 Password required for acme
---> PASS ********
230 Logged on
---> TYPE A
200 Type set to A
---> PWD
257 "/" is current directory.
---> PBSZ 0
200 PBSZ=0
---> NOOP
200 OK
---> TYPE A
200 Type set to A
---> PROT P
200 Protection level set to P
---> NOOP
200 OK
---> PWD
257 "/" is current directory.
---> CWD 45146,724,724
250 CWD successful. "/45146,724,724" is current directory.
---> CWD /
250 CWD successful. "/" is current directory.
---> NOOP
200 OK
---> CWD 45146,724,724
250 CWD successful. "/45146,724,724" is current directory.
---> PWD
257 "/45146,724,724" is current directory.

ERROR [FTPClient] 12 Jul 2018 16:38:18.612 : Failed to configure data socket:java.net.SocketTimeoutException: Read timed out
ERROR [FTPClient] 12 Jul 2018 16:38:18.614 : Caught and rethrowing exception in initPut() : PROT P required
com.enterprisedt.net.ftp.FTPException: 521 PROT P required
        at com.enterprisedt.net.ftp.FTPControlSocket.validateReply(FTPControlSocket.java:1330)
        at com.enterprisedt.net.ftp.FTPClient.initPut(FTPClient.java:2862)

Any ideas on what else to try?

