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in Java FTP by (200 points)
We're using SSHFTPClient in edtftpj-pro-1.3.0. We have an upcoming need to issue a server-specific command that will effect a password change on the target server. After looking over the javadocs I have not seen any way to do this via SSHFTPClient. Is there a way to do this in edtftpj? Have I missed something in the docs? Thanks in advance for assistance anyone can provide.

4 Answers

0 votes
by (162k points)
Can you post the command you want to execute? You can't do this with SSHFTPClient, but it would be very useful to be able to do so so we'll look at adding this capability. If you let us know when you need it, we'll try to get an early release to you before then.
0 votes
by (200 points)
I don't have a specific command yet - this need is still pending customer input. However, wouldn't the command have to be configurable? Each target server may have its own way of implementing password rolling. One of our non-SFTP customer does password rolling by recognizing a login password of the form "oldPassword/newPassword", authenticating the login by oldPassword and then rolling to newPassword. But I think each system could be different. What might be useful is a generic command execution capability, similar to the FTPClient.quote() method. One the other hand a target system may require that password rolling be done when logging in, so maybe another form of login() is in order. Since password rolling is a non-standard behavior, I'm not sure what approach might be best here. When I get more details about exactly what is needed I'll post to this thread again. Thanks.
0 votes
by (200 points)
One of our customer environments where a password roll via SFTP is needed uses the command "quote chgpwd oldpass newpass newpass". I haven't tested this yet, but as I indicated in a previous post it seems that some way to issue a general command would be needed. It might also be the case that multiple commands are needed to complete the operation. I'll forward more specifics as I get them. Thanks.
0 votes
by (162k points)
Ok, thanks for keeping us up to date.

