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0 votes
in Java FTP by (300 points)

For verification purpose, I am trying to export the server certificate using ftp.getRootCertificateStore().exportPEMFile("filename") method. This method is called successfully i.e. doesn't throw any exception but the problem is that it is generating 0 byte file with the name mentioned in the method.

Please suggest where I am doing wrong or why is 0 byte file created or is there any restriction w.r.t. exporting a server certificate using this method.

Thanks much in advance.

Thanks and regards,
Saurabh Kumar

2 Answers

0 votes
by (51.6k points)
Sorry about this error. We'll try to reproduce and fix it ASAP. Could you please e-mail support@... so that we can e-mail you a fix if and when we produce it.

- Hans (EDT)
0 votes
by (300 points)
Hi Hans,

Thanks for your reply.
As you suggested, I have sent an e-mail to you support team in this regard.

Thanks and regards,

