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in Java FTP by (120 points)
While changing directories or deleting files I keep getting FTPExceptions with messages like "directory changed successfully" or "file deleted successfully". I "solved" the issue surrounding every chdir and delete command with a empty try-catch block, but still I'd like to know if the reason is a known bug, the underlying ftp server or a fault of mine.
Anyone experinced similar problems? I'm not a FTP protocol expert, are those replies in the standard or not?
Thank you in advance, R

EDTFtpJ version 1.5.2
FTP server: filezilla 0.9.8b on localhost

1 Answer

0 votes
by (162k points)
Can you post a bit of the log file OR log in via command line FTP, type 'debug' and change dir and delete a file. Then post the output here.

I'm running FileZilla here and can't see any problem with it, and don't get those messages.

While changing directories or deleting files I keep getting FTPExceptions with messages like "directory changed successfully" or "file deleted successfully".

