I'm connecting to an ftp server via vpn tunnel. (juniper networks)
(the ftp server has a 164.x.x.x address)
once the vpn is established, I can use a regular ftp client(using the 164 address) to connect to the ftp server. everything works fine.
using edtftp.net 1.2.2 (c#), i cannot connect to the remote ftp server (active).
using PASV, I cannot receive 'data' from the remote ftp server. (control is fine).
i've somehow narrowed down the issue to this:
the vpn client assigns my computer a 192.168.140.x address upon establishing the vpn connection.
the regular ftp client somehow detects this and send the correct "PORT 192,168,140,8,16,83" command before receiving 'data'.
edtftp still sends the 164.x.x.x address when preparing to receive 'data'.
Is there a way to configure edtftp to send the 192.168.140.x address assigned to my computer by the vpn client?
I've tried
ftpdll.ActiveIPAddress = System.Net.IPAddress.Parse("");
EnterpriseDT.Net.Ftp.PortRange pr = new EnterpriseDT.Net.Ftp.PortRange( 1680, 1900 );
ftpdll.ActivePortRange = pr;
but it still doesn't work.
any suggestions?
(I hope i'm not too obscure in describing my problem.)