* @classdesc
* FTP/SFTP client supporting the standard FTP/SFTP operations, such as listing, uploading,
* downloading, renaming and deletion.
* ```
* var ftp = new Ftp();
* ftp.hostName = "myftpserver";
* ftp.protocol = "SFTP";
* ftp.userName = "myusername";
* ftp.password = "mypassword";
* try {
* ftp.connect();
* } catch (e) {
* throw "Could not connect to server.";
* }
* try {
* ftp.upload("/home/myusername/myfile.dat");
* console.log("Upload complete");
* } catch (e) {
* throw "Error while uploading file.";
* }
* ftp.close();
* ```
* The call to {@linkcode Ftp#connect connect()} is optional since upload() will auto-connect, but is done here so that any exceptions can be dealt
* with properly. The call to close() is usually optional since all clients are closed at the completion of a request or an
* event-handler invocation.
* **General Notes about this class:**
* * Connection parameters, such as server-address and user-name, may be set in the constructor after constructor using fields.
* * Calling connect() is optional as each method will auto-connect.
* * Calling close() is recommended but is not mandatory as every client connection is closed when each JSS request is complete.
* * Methods that don't need to return a value return 'this' object so that method-calls may be chained together, e.g.
* new Ftp(host, userName, password).download(filePath).remove(filePath))
* @constructor
* @param {String} [hostName] IP address or host-name of remote server.
* @param {String} [userName] User-name of account on remote server.
* @param {String} [password] Password of account on remote server.
* @param {String} [protocol] Protocol to use. May be FTP, FTPS, FTPSImplicit, SFTP or SCP.
* @param {String} [serverPort] Port number to connect to on the remote server.
Ftp = function (hostName, userName, password, protocol, serverPort) {
* IP address or host-name of remote server.
* @type {String}
this.hostName = null;
* Protocol to use. May be FTP, FTPS, FTPSImplicit, SFTP or SCP.
* @type {String}
this.protocol = null;
* Port number to connect to on the remote server.
* @type {Number}
this.serverPort = null;
* User-name of account on remote server.
* @type {String}
this.userName = null;
* Password of account on remote server.
* @type {String}
this.password = null;
* Current working directory on remote server. Before connection the value of this field is null unless it's set.
* If it's set before connection then its value will be the initial working directory. After connection its value
* will reflect the remote working directory.
* @type {String}
this.serverDirectory = null;
* Current working directory in local virtual file-system. It's used only when uploading or downloading and the
* local path is not absolute.
* @type {String}
this.localDirectory = null;
* Virtual file-system path of file containing private key.
* @type {String}
this.privateKeyFile = null;
* Password of file containing private key.
* @type {String}
this.privateKeyPassword = null;
* Connect to remote server. Note that calling this method is optional as the client will automatically connect
* when any other method is called if it hasn't already connected. Calling it explicitly may be useful for
* error-handling.
* @method
* @return {Ftp} A reference to 'this' object is returned so that methods may be chained together (see class description).
this.connect = function () { }
* Closes the connection. Note that calling this method is recommended but not essential since all open clients are
* closed at the end of each request.
* @method
* @param {Boolean} [waitForServerAck] If true then the client will wait for the server to acknowledge that the connection is being close. Default is 'false'.
* @return {Ftp} A reference to 'this' object is returned so that methods may be chained together (see class description).
this.close = function (waitForServerAck) { }
* Uploads a file from the local virtual file-system to the remote server.
* @method
* @param {String} localPath Path of the file to be uploaded from the local virtual file-system.
* @param {String} [remotePath] Path or name of the file being uploaded to the remote file-system.
* @return {Ftp} A reference to 'this' object is returned so that methods may be chained together (see class description).
this.upload = function (localPath, remotePath) { }
* Downloads a file from the remote server to the local virtual file-system.
* @method
* @param {String} remotePath Path or name of the file to be downloaded from the remote file-system.
* @param {String} [localPath] Path of the file being downloaded to the local virtual file-system.
* @return {Ftp} A reference to 'this' object is returned so that methods may be chained together (see class description).
this.download = function (remotePath, localPath) { }
* Tests whether or not a file or directory exists on the remote server. Note that this method doesn't
* strictly return a boolean. It will return false if the file/directory doesn't exist, but if the it
* does exist then the type ("file" or "directory") is returned. These are truthy values so the return
* values may be used in boolean expressions.
* @method
* @param {String} remotePath Path or name of the file or directory in the remote file-system.
* @return {String} Returns "file" or "directory" if either of these exists and false otherwise.
this.exists = function (remotePath) { }
* Deletes the given file or directory.
* @method
* @param {String} remotePath Path or name of the file or directory to be deleted from the remote file-system.
* @param {String} [recursive=false] Remove all files and subdirectories of the directory as well.
* @return {Ftp} A reference to 'this' object is returned so that methods may be chained together (see class description).
this.remove = function (remotePath, recursive) { }
* Moves or renames the given file or directory from one path or name to another. Some servers support renaming but not moving.
* @method
* @param {String} fromRemotePath Path or name of the existing file or directory to moved in the remote file-system.
* @param {String} toRemotePath Path or name of the file or directory to move it to in the remote file-system.
* @return {Ftp} A reference to 'this' object is returned so that methods may be chained together (see class description).
this.move = function (fromRemotePath, toRemotePath) { }
* Creates a folder with the given name under the current working directory
* @method
* @param {String} name Name of directory to create.
* @return {Ftp} A reference to 'this' object is returned so that methods may be chained together (see class description).
this.createFolder = function (name) { }
* Returns a listing of the remote directory in the form of an array of FileInfo objects.
* @method
* @param {String} [remotePath] Path or name of the directory to be listed in the remote file-system.
* @return {FileInfo[]} Array of FileInfo objects each representing a file or a folder.
this.list = function (remotePath) { }
* Returns a listing of the remote directory in the form of an array of strings being the names of the files and directories (without paths).
* @method
* @param {String} [remotePath] Path or name of the directory to be listed in the remote file-system.
* @return {String[]} Array of strings being the names of the files and directories (without paths).
this.listNames = function (name) { }
* Set a SecureFTPConnection property. The JSS Ftp class is implemented by EnterpriseDT's secure FTP .NET component,
* <a href="http://enterprisedt.com/products/edtftpnetpro/doc/manual/api/html/T_EnterpriseDT_Net_Ftp_SecureFTPConnection.htm">SecureFTPConnection</a>.
* This class is very mature and has
* <a href="https://enterprisedt.com/products/edtftpnetpro/doc/manual/api/html/AllMembers_T_EnterpriseDT_Net_Ftp_SecureFTPConnection.htm#propertyTableToggle">many properties</a>
* that are not exposed in the JSS Ftp class. Use this method to set these properties. Properties that have non-primitive types
* must be initialized using .NET objects, which can be instantiated in JSS by specifying their full name, e.g. new System.Text.StringBuilder().
* @method
* @param {String} propertyName Name of property to set.
* @param {Object} propertyValue Value to set property to.
this.setAdvancedProperty = function (propertyName, propertyValue) { }
* Get the value of a SecureFTPConnection property. The JSS Ftp class is implemented by EnterpriseDT's secure FTP .NET component,
* <a href="http://enterprisedt.com/products/edtftpnetpro/doc/manual/api/html/T_EnterpriseDT_Net_Ftp_SecureFTPConnection.htm">SecureFTPConnection</a>.
* This class is very mature and has
* <a href="https://enterprisedt.com/products/edtftpnetpro/doc/manual/api/html/AllMembers_T_EnterpriseDT_Net_Ftp_SecureFTPConnection.htm#propertyTableToggle">many properties</a>
* that are not exposed in the JSS Ftp class. Use this method to get the value of these properties.
* @method
* @param {String} propertyName Name of property to get.
this.getAdvancedProperty = function (propertyName) { }
* Represents a single file or folder in a file listing
* @typedef {Object} FileInfo
* @property {String} name Name of the file or folder
* @property {Number} length Length of the file (0 if folder)
* @property {Boolean} isDirectory Is this a folder?
* @property {Date} modified Date when the file (or folder - excluding contents) was last modified.
* @property {String} permissions Permissions of the file or folder.
* @property {String} owner Name of the user account which owns the file or folder.
* @property {String} group Name of the group to which the folder belongs.